March 23, 2009

Way of Escape

March 23, 2009
Way of Escape

Circumstances, Situations, Mountains, Valleys, Hurt, Bitterness, Agony etc..
All these words are what we hear from churchs, sermons..
Does this mean that God is not a good God? Definitely not.
Does this mean that God let these happen? Perhaps, to make us stronger.
Does this mean that these are from the devil? Perhaps, to put us down.

Marvin shared in CGM that even if we are going through darkness and we feel that theres no way out, God will lead us..(It touched me..) and I started to think about how my life has changed BECAUSE of God.

I definitely have my fair share of experiences and hurt (from family and friends) but it is really God who made everything possible for me.

Let my testimony speak it all..

I came from a good family and I always have everything that I wanted. However, things changed when my mother sunk into depression when I was in Primary 5. I lost interest in my studies, and the following year, I got transferred out from the first class. Thus, this has caused me to feel even more intimidated whenever I am with my friends. I would often hang around the neighborhood and not go home because I was really afraid of my mother.

I tried many ways to seek love. I was already attending a temple but I started to be more committed and attended dharma classes. This went on for a total of 6 years. However, everything seemed like a routine to me, it was like a timetable that I had to follow. I lived life without a purpose and a vision. I still did not put in any effort in my studies; I did not know the reason behind studying at all. Hence, constant failures academically made me full of fear and low self-esteem. My friends rejected me, causing hatred and bitterness to grow within me. In the midst of all that, I went through 9 relationships and even resorted to self-mutilating myself by using a penknife to slit my wrists and even using heels to cut my thighs until it bled.

It was only in December 2003, my life took a change. My friend, Chuan Zhu invited me to a zone event after months of persistence. It was at the meeting that I realized a different spirit in the people. They are warm, sincere and friendly. I felt that they really care for me. Not long, I decided to join them in service back at the Jurong West premises. Then, in one of the services when Pastor Tan preached and ministered, I felt the presence of God and gave my life to Jesus Christ. That was when I felt that life has got a meaning and a purpose. Amen!

After I gave my heart to Jesus, I started to attend cell group and service regularly. I became on fire for the Lord. On Easter 2004, I brought a total of 18 friends to church in spite of the persecution that I was facing at home. That Saturday Easter night, I was been caned by an umbrella. However, I chose to stand strong in my faith and ran out to attend Sunday service and a miracle happened! My parents did not scold me at all. From that day, my parents no longer objected me from going to church. As I started attending bible study and applying the word of God, God started to do a work in me. First, He dealt with my emotions and I felt accepted in His presence. I decided to let go of the bitterness inside of me and I saw a change in my character slowly. I started to receive visions from God. I wanted to be a leader who can impact people. That gave me a sense of purpose. First, I started to serve actively in Usher Ministry and help out in my cell group. That helped me to discover my leadership qualities that I’ve never realized. Indeed helping people gave me great satisfaction. Today, I am a CG leader serving in the kingdom of God, Hallelujah!

Apart from that, I want to see my family saved. Like what the bible says, “When one is saved, the whole household will be saved”. God has showered me with His grace to reach out to my brother who is now actively serving the Lord as an usher. Although, my mother is not saved but she is open and is opening doors for us to reach out to our neighbors by encouraging them to attend church with us.

Indeed God is good. Besides giving me a chance to live again, He gave me a purpose and I became a more confident and happy person.

I would not have been where I am today without our Lord Jesus. I want to thank God for everything! Hallelujah!

Guys, We all have our fair share. I encourage you to post your own testimonies here to encourage everyone.

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