April 29, 2008

Jabez - Sunday Service Sermon

April 29, 2008
1 Chronicles 4:9
  • Jabez was the one who stood out hence we are all called to stand out.
"Honorable" Heb. Kabod means substance, glory & weight
Jabez was a man of PRAYER
1 Chronicles 4:10
  1. Bless his soul (Spiritual Life)
  2. Enlarge his territory (Influence)
  3. Hands of God to come upon him (Presence/Power)
  4. Keep him from evil (Protection)
Desire >> Discipline >> Delight

Mark 16:15, 17-18

World >> Komos >> Every social order

5 Purposes of tongues
  1. Edification
    • 1 Corinthians 14:4
      • Likened to the charging of mobile phones (The mobile phones does not care about what electricity is.)

  2. Praise
    • Acts 2:11

  3. Intercession
    • Romans 8:26

  4. Spiritual Warfare
    • Ephesians 6:18

  5. Revelation
    • 1 Corinthians 14:15
    • Acts 2: 1-4, 16


Step into the realm of the Hoy Spirit, visions and dreams will be planted in your lives.

April 20, 2008

Thinking with Excellence

April 20, 2008

“virtue” = Gk. “Arete” = translated “Excellence” or “Efficiency”

Excellence means

  1. to exceed a given standard that is ordinary, average, terrible or unworthy.
  2. to be superior in quality, greater in quantity, to transcend your job description, and to outdo yourself each time.

Four Keys to Excellence:

  1. Excellence is to be superior in quality.
  2. Excellence is to obtain greater in quantity.
  3. Excellence is to transcend your job description.
  4. Excellence is to outdo yourself each time.

Nine Different Areas that We Need to Excel:

  1. Principles - Not by laws but liberty
  2. Delivery - Not in systems but service
  3. Source - Not being self-centered but spirit-centered
  4. Leadership - Not being legalism but love
  5. Mentoring - Not bringing fear but inspiring faith
  6. Supervision - Not with control but care
  7. Work - Not for duty but devotion
  8. Attitude - Not getting but giving
  9. Lifestyle - Not explanation but example


A very warm welcome to our very first cell group blog.

We prayed that you, our readers will be blessed with our writings and experience the presence of God like we do.

Thank you and have a blessed day ahead.

April 18, 2008


April 18, 2008
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