July 30, 2008

30 July 2008, Wednesday

July 30, 2008
Isaiah 40:6-8

The voice said. "Cry out!" And he said, "What shall I cry?" "All flesh is grass, And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, Because the breath of the LORD blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever."

Like what the bible says that our flesh is like the grass that withers and the loveliness is like the flower of the field. It will soon fade. The grass is the platform for the flower to grow. Flower is like the loveliness of our flesh. It likes to dwell in the grass (flesh). Most of the time, we only care about ourselves. We lust for our own flesh and we walk according to the flesh and that is not what God wants. The things of the world will fade away and it will not stay long. It is only temporay. Sometimes, it may be very tempting and overwhelming and we fall for our flesh.

But those who walk according to the Spirit shall find everlasting life but those who walk according to the flesh seek for destruction upon themselves. The word of God stands forever. In the beginning, God spoke a word and the earth was formed. God spoke a word and Man was formed. Whatever God speaks, it came to past. Whatever promises that God gave, it will not return to him in void because it remains in us until it came to past. The bible says that our flesh will wither and die off and the love for our flesh will start to fade. So, how do we live in a life that is pleasing to God? It is seeking Him in our own quiet time. It is reading His Word to know more and more of Him. Reading God's word is like fellowshipping with Him because the Word was God as it is written in the Book Of John. The more we dwell in His word, the more we get to know His will for our life.



July 28, 2008

27 July 2008, Sunday

July 28, 2008
Running the race to win

Heb 12:1-2-----> It talks about the life we are living. It is like running a race. It is not a like a short sprint. It is like a marathon. It is important how we live. God gives us purpose and life. Sometimes, we may run the race and feel tired and it’s normal for us to feel tired.

2 Tim 4:6-8-----> Paul know that his time is short but he said that he will put on a good fight. When Jesus returns, he wants to see us running the race. In our Christian walk, we may feel tired and we may lose our motivation. You know the most important point is your halfway mark. As you are in your halfway mark, you can’t see the finish line. What is the thing that keeps Paul running? He look at the prize ahead and keep on persevere and persevere until he passed that finish line.

Calvin Coolidge- Nothing in the world can take its persistence.

1 Cor 9:24-25-----> I will forget what is behind me and keep on pressing to run the race. I will continue to run to Jesus and run to the prize ahead.

1. Runners quit because they do not have enough water. They will have dehydration. It is true in our Christian walk. Sometimes, we will feel dehydrated in our walk with God and we feel dry.

2. Runners quit because they fall. Sometimes we may get hurt in the middle of the race.

3. Runners quit because they run out of energy.

4. Runners quit because they lose their visions.

5 keys to finishing the race of life

1) We should know what fills and drains our tank.

· We must be continuously be filled with the Holy Spirit and we need to keep the fill in our life.

· Some people just have nothing good to say.

· We find it hard to say to people and we get drained.

· Find something that you like that fills your soul.

· We need to recognize the things that drain us.

· We are just tank being filled with water. When we are 50% full, we will suffer from anxiety attack. When we are 25% full, we will have emotional breakdown. When we are 0%, we will have nervous breakdown.

· We know that as we go through life, there will be trial and tribulation and even temptations.

2) Understand the law of balance in life.

Daniel 5:27

There is a balance that God wants us to have. God is a God of balance. Balance is good for us.
Busyness lends a false sense of importance in our life.

When we come to God and seek first the kingdom of God, every part of our life belongs to him. Even our family, our academic, our relationship with friends, all of it belongs to God. There should not be a line of separation. Our business is God’s business. IF YOU ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT, YOU WILL BE BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE even if you focus on your studies, solve family problem and also relationship with people. As You continue to focus, we allow God to take part in our life. We do not just focus on one thing and spin one plate. We should understand the law of balance.

3) Serve and lead our of rest

The bible taught about Holy Ground. It also taught about battleground. In the battleground, we feel tired easily. That’s why God gives us Sabbath day so that we can find rest day for ourselves. The Ten Commandments is to help us.

Exo 20:10-----> Begin to increase the inflow in your life. Maybe this week, you have not exercise, we can go find days to exercise.

We need to know how to manage our life.
Psalm 127:2-----> Put that one day of rest
Matt 11:28-30

4) Find a lighning rod in your life. It takes the fill strike of lighning
Pro 11:14
· When we do not have anyone in our life, we will be tired. Even though we can talk to God all our problem but we are still on planet earth. We need someone to relate to. We just need to release our frustration in our life.
· Look for someone who is spiritual and share with them.
5) We have to discipline in our daily devotions.
Runners went through training. We need to build ourselves and read the Word Of God. The holy Spirit is our couch and our helper. We need to bath daily and have our spiritual devotion.
Scripture---Meditate on God’s Word. Begin to have observation about the word of God.
Observation about it


Prayer for our life

We should constantly renew our mind and it gives strength to our soul and also to our mind. We cannot live for the manna last week. We need to eat it EVERYDAY. Everyday, we need to have fresh touch from God. We need to have greater wisdom that we have today.

Psalms 68:19-----> Everyday in our life, God has a benefit in our life. Therefore, be discipline in whatever things you do. Discipline is the most important in our life. Everyday, we need to have the presence of God to get into the battleground and also have the anointing in our life.

Sermon by: Pastor Derick
From: Hexing

July 21, 2008

21 July 2008, Monday

July 21, 2008

Genesis 3:1-3

· God told us to have dominion over the earth
· Instead, Man and woman begin to dominate one another because of the fall.
· Adam is supposed to be a leader but he failed. Jesus came to restore it all.
· Because of his connection with God, Jesus can deliver revelation to the people.
· Jesus was able to cultivate the people.
· He is also the protector.
· Bride = church and bridegroom = Jesus
· Submit to Jesus. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
· The life of God starts to reduce in man ever since the fall.
· Life of Adam -----------> He was cut off and live 930 years (Gen 5:5)
Seth-----------> 912 years
Enosh-----------> 905 years
Noah-----------> 950 years
Terah-----------> 205 years
Abraham-----------> 175 years

The mind of man starts to darken
John 15:5------>When you are cut off, don’t be deceived that you still have a life because it will slowly reduce.

Jesus says “we must be born again!”
John 3:6
Holy Spirit------>life------>light

Life------>Gifts of the Holy Spirit….word of wisdom, word of knowledge etc.
These are tools which allow us to use it in the marketplace to help us.
Before the fall, Adam had the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit is not just for apostles.
It is for everyone.

· 2 Cor 5:16
· “Regard” = to see, to consider
· We no longer see the person outwardly, but we are able to discern.
· Heb 5:13-14
Pray and Holy Spirit will give you visions and dreams.
· How do we enter into this life?
By Faith in God’s word
· John 1:2
· Word------> FAITH------>LIFE------>LIGHT
· Whatever you need, you can draw life from the Holy Spirit in our everyday life. Jesus is the bridge.
Word is sent. Faith let us hear and believe
· John 5:21
In Son------>image of God and fullness of God
· John 5:25
· John 5:39------>The scripture is pointing to Jesus and we need to come to Jesus. When we believe in him, we can have life.
· Act out in faith and believe in him.
· The devil cannot steal the word but can twist the word.


The devil cut off the source of the word so that you cannot have faith that lead to life and light. The devil provides you with another word. When you have two words, you are double minded and the bible says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Remember that the devil always provide the EASY WAY.

Matt 16
· Jesus only shows his disciples that he is going to die after his disciples receive revelation and we know that Jesus was not distracted by another word.
· Di-vision
· Two visions becomes division. One is what the devil gave you and one is what God gave you so we only need to have God’s visions.
· The life of devil only speaks of lies. Devil twist the word and allow man to fall into temptation and put you into shame and let them be afraid.
· He makes you a loser.
· As you withered away, The devil will say who do you think you are!
· Jesus says He is the vine and we are the branches.
· Be connected to God.
Matt 7:13-14The law is good. Jesus Christ fulfills the ceremonial law. We can talk about Grace but we cannot throw the Ten Commandments that lead to everlasting life.
By:Pastor Tan

July 11, 2008

July 11, 2008
HELLO everyone!!

JUST wanna say a big THANKYOU for celebrating my birthday! Proudly proclaimed im 20 this yr! HAHAHAH (: so exciting to enter into my twenties..(random)

Just wanna say:

I appreciate all of you for sowing into my life, all ur effort and love. I really thank God for all of you! You really brighten me up, and makes me happy. A Group of people that has always been on my mind. Just wanna say that, i will always be here for all of you (:

THANK GOD for this CG, E308!

Love all of you, trunk loads!!

and of course,

my wishes for tis yr is:
1) CG to grow(all of you to know GOd more and experience his goodness like never b4)
2) Do well in SOT and graduate really well.
3) Shhh...HAAHHAH.

whatever it is, let's jiayou!
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